Prepare to have your mind blown by this crazy social experiment from Beldent, the chewing gum company. They went around asking over 490 people a bunch of questions about how they see folks who chew gum.
And you won't believe what happened next. The results totally shocked me! Turns out, people who chew gum are seen in a way better light than those who don't. They're considered more fun, friendlier, and even give off vibes of having a rocking sex life. Who would've thunk it, right?
What's even funnier is that I totally thought the experiment would favor the non-gum-chewers. Boy, was I wrong! So, hey, got a piece of gum handy? Let's join the cool crew!
This clever ad really got my brain working. If you were as surprised as I was by these findings, go ahead and SHARE this mind-blowing video with all your pals!